• VAT is already included in the price
  • All products are new and in the latest version
  • We are specialists and have been selling online for more than 15 years
  • VAT is already included in the price
  • All products are new and in the latest version
  • We are specialists and have been selling online for more than 15 years

Sous Vide is a simple and precise cooking system that is used in the best restaurants to achieve perfect results.

After being vacuum packed in a special bag, the food is immersed in a container filled with water and cooked at a low controlled temperature.

The result is a perfect and uniform cooking. The food has more flavor and its nutritional properties are preserved. Also, al. Being vacuum packed in a closed bag there is hardly any waste or losses due to evaporation.

Currently we have many devices for vacuum cooking for just over 100 euros, both for immersion in a casserole or container, and complete equipment with all its components included.

For the Sousvide kitchen we need a stirrer with an electrical resistance that keeps the water moving, so that the temperature is uniform and that necessarily must have the most exact control of temperature and time.

The quality of this device, its precision, its resistance to corrosion and lime, its accuracy in measurements, the amount of water with which it can work and the materials with which it is built will give us the result that we can obtain.