Right of withdrawal
Law 3/2014, March 27.
The consolidated text of the general consumer and user protection act
3rd article. General concept of the consumer and user.
In effect of this legislation and without prejudice to the provisions specially in their 3rd and 4th books, the consumers and the users are the natural persons that act with an apart purpose to their commercial activity, business, trade or profession.
The consumers are also to the effects of this legislation the legal persons and the entities without legal personality that non-profit act in an apart ambit to a commercial activity or business.>>
Two. Modification of the 4th article, wich would read as follow:
<<4th article. Entrepreneur's concept
For the purpose of this legislation, it considers entrepreneur to every natural or legal person, it could be private or public, that act directly or through another person on its behalf or following its intructions, with a purpose related with its commercial activity, business, trade or profession.>>
The Rigt of Withdrawal is exclusive for consumers and users.
You have the right of desist of the present contact (give back the product) in terms of 14 naturald days without needing a justification.
The withdrawal period expires 14 natural days to count from the day that the product was received.
To exercise the withdrawal right, you must notice your decision of desist the contract through a unequivocally declaration (for example, a letter sent by snail mail or email). You could use the formulary form of withdrawal on the bottom of the page.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it suffices to the relative communication to the exercise on its part of this right being sent before the corresponding deadline.
Consequences of the withdrawal:
In case of withdrawal for its part, we will give back all the payments recieved by you, included the delivery expenses (you must assume the direct cost of the goods' refund) without any undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 natural days after the date in which you inform of your decision of desist the present contract. We will proceed to effectuate the said refund using the same way of payment used by you for the inital transition.
“You have also the option of compliment and send by email the form of withdrawal or any other unequivocal declaration through our web site: http://www.envasadoravacio.com/Formulario-de-devoluciones. If you turn to this option, we will communicate without delay in a lasting support (for example, by email) the reception of the withdrawal said”.
We could retain the refund until we receive the goods, or until you have presented a proof of the refund of the goods, according to what condition is fulfill first.
“You must give back to us or provide us the goods to the exact address we communicate, without any wrongful delay and, in any case, at the latest in 14 natural days after the date that you communicate us your decision of contract's withdrawal. The period will be considered completed if you make the refun of the goods before that period is over”;
“You must assume the direct cost of the goods devolution
Only you will be the responsible of the disminution of the goods value as a result of a different manipulation from the necessary to establish the nature, the characteristics and the operation of the goods. In case the goods present evident signs of use, if it doesn't have its original packaging, its instructions and of all the accesories we could apply a reduction of your refund accordingly to the lost of value of the goods or even reject the refund.
Withdrawal application (refund)